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Global Playground Stockholm (SE) etablerades 2012. Genom åren har vi utvecklats från en liten organisation med lokala initiativ som främjar hållbar livsstil till en välkänd organisation med större internationella projekt. Vi arbetar med att öka medvetenhet om hållbar livsstil genom kultur, media och kunskapsutbyte. Vår verksamhet innebär utbildningsevenemang och projektgenomförande. Vårt uppdrag är att skapa en förändring på individnivå genom att driva individen mot en hållbar livsstil. Vi tror att lokala åtgärder styr den globala förändringen. Vår filosofi bygger på att ge människor möjlighet att skapa förändring i sina lokala miljöer. Genom olika projekt är vårt mål att överföra kunskap och expertis inom området hållbarhet, konst och kreativitet.

Vi har genomfört internationella projekt med fokus på hållbar livsstil och stadsutveckling: Erasmus plus-projektet ” Green in Everyday Life” och projektet ” Tour into Swedish Sustainable Lifestyle”. http://www.globalplaygroundstockholm.com

Affärsaccelerator med fokus på att främja hållbar tillväxt och affärsmöjligheter för företag och en certifierad utbildningsleverantör inom utbildning och träning, entreprenörskap och företagsstöd. Som affärsaccelerator tillhandahåller Mentortec (PT) tjänster som främjar stöd från entreprenörer, mentorer, konsulter, små- och medelstora företag och företagsägare med fokus på innovation, hållbar tillväxt och affärssamarbeten på nationell och internationell nivå.

Innovation Frontiers IKE is an innovative educational technology & research company that specializes in creating educational, engaging, and entertaining learning experiences that incorporate innovation, creativity, and gamification to enhance flow for learners. Our company offers a wide spectrum of solutions, including interactive custom eLearning, Serious Games, Open Educational Resources, Training Simulations, Educational Animations and Mobile Learning. We combine game design, game technology, instructional design and psychology to master the art of crafting learning games, simulations and training. Innovation Frontiers IKE also has a very big experience on research projects (European & International). The company follows very strict & complete Quality Assurance Processes in the development of its software and in the running of European & International Projects it takes part. What is more the company integrate the implications of educational neuroscience in classroom so as to improve the efficiency of learning and teaching. As an innovative eLearning production company, we bring the transformative force of Artificial Intelligence to eLearning development and implementation. Virtually anyone in your company or organization can benefit from AI-powered eLearning. AI is capable to improve the learning process resulting in higher knowledge transfer, decreased costs, greater transparency of the e-Learning outcomes, data-informed program implementation, and, last but not least, the capability to provide deeply engaging personal learning experiences for the learners at all levels of your organization. To us, learning is never a one-size-fits-all approach, and therefore, any learning solution we produce is tailored to each organization’s goals and needs. Our clients often know what their learners need to know, but they may not know the best way to get there.

Agrupamento de Escolas de Loureiro, https://www.aelpb.pt/ is a non-profit public basic school with approximately 1000 students, from 3 to 15 year old, with 115 teachers and 67 staff members. It is situated in a small rural area, Loureiro – Oliveira de Azemeis, with industry nearby. 

The school´s curriculum follows the national programme and aims also for the teaching of other areas, such as developing creativity within our students’ skills, with subjects such as “Creative expression”, “Robotics”. ”Science Club”. 

There is a compulsory ICT and Robotics lesson from 5th to 9th year and in Primary schools there is also an introduction to ICT in the curriculum. English is a subject taught since the 3rd year to 9th year students, being part of the curriculum, however younger children from 3- to 8-year-old have also in their curricula English as a complement in their learning process. There is also a department for children with special educational needs, who are included in regular classes. 

The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities such as sports, chess, environmental Club (Eco-School) , arts, radio and Theatre Clubs and the School online Newspaper. It’s a community-friendly school concerning environment, culture and social issues. The local governmental representatives, social and cultural associations, as well as other private schools (music, dance, and drama), have been working in partnership with the school. 

The school is an “Eco-school flag” from the Ministry of Education, for it has, over the years been associated with the programme “” (Eco-friendly school) developing a wide range of activities that reach our Kindergarden, primary and middle school students. 

The school always searches for strategic partnerships to develop cooperation and innovation in teaching/learning methodologies and engaging students and teachers in new projects of cooperation, raising our awareness of social, cultural differences and strengthening a European sense of unity and respect for the other. The aim is to make students learn more efficiently as well as engage parents in school activities. 

The school’s development plan has been implementing international cooperation so that students and teachers can be involved in new ways of teaching and learning, trying to keep up with teaching and learning innovative methodologies among European countries. AEL has been engaged in several Erasmus+ projects in years before, to gain knowledge and disseminate among teachers 21st digital skills, STEM, Health and environmental/sustainable topics.